Source code for syncsweptsine

"""This module implements the Synchronized Swept Sine Method according to Nowak et al. 2015 as reusable python module.

It can be used for the system identification of linear and nonlinear systems.
The identification results can be represented as Hammerstein models (Diagonal Volterra Series).
Furthermore simple regularization is provided as optional feature.


High level classes:

- :class:`SyncSweep`: defines the synchronized sweep model

- :class:`HigherHarmonicImpulseResponse`: defines the Higher harmonic impulse response
  e.g. by deconvolution of the reference SyncSweep instance and
  the actual measured sweep signal at the output of the system under test.

- :class:`HammersteinModel`: defines the generalized hammerstein model based on a list of kernels and corresponding nonlinearity orders.

Low level classes:

- :class:`InvertedSyncSweepSpectrum`: defines the inverted spectrum of a synchronized sweep.

- :class:`FrfFilterKernel`: defines a filter kernel based on a frequency response function.

- :class:`IirFilterKernel`: defines a filter kernel based on IIR filter coefficients.


Estimating the coefficients of a simple nonlinear system:

.. code::

    import numpy as np
    from syncsweptsine import SyncSweep
    from syncsweptsine import HigherHarmonicImpulseResponse
    from syncsweptsine import HammersteinModel

    sweep = SyncSweep(startfreq=16, stopfreq=16000, durationappr=10, samplerate=96000)

    def nonlinear_system(sig):
        return 1.0 * sig + 0.25 * sig**2 + 0.125 * sig**3

    outsweep = nonlinear_system(np.array(sweep))
    hhir = HigherHarmonicImpulseResponse.from_sweeps(sweep, outsweep)
    hm = HammersteinModel.from_higher_harmonic_impulse_response(
        hhir, 2048, orders=(1, 2, 3), delay=0)
    for kernel, order in zip(hm.kernels, hm.orders):
        print('Coefficient estimate of nonlinear system:',
                np.round(np.percentile(abs(kernel.frf), 95), 3),

    Coefficient estimate of nonlinear system: 1.009 Order 1
    Coefficient estimate of nonlinear system: 0.25 Order 2
    Coefficient estimate of nonlinear system: 0.125 Order 3

Estimating the Hammerstein model of a theoretically created Hammerstein model usin IIR kernels:

.. code::

    from pylab import *

    from syncsweptsine import IirFilterKernel
    from syncsweptsine import HammersteinModel
    from syncsweptsine import SyncSweep
    from syncsweptsine import HigherHarmonicImpulseResponse

    nfft = 1024
    samplerate = 96000
    # sweep params:
    f1 = 1.2
    f2 = 16_000
    dursec = 30

    # Filter kernels for theoretical hammerstein model:
    # the ARMA filters definition (ARMA order = 2, number of filters = N = 4)
    A = [
        [1.0, -1.8996, 0.9025],
        [1.0, -1.9075, 0.9409],
        [1.0, -1.8471, 0.8649],
    B = [
        [1.0, -1.9027, 0.9409],
        [1.0, -1.8959, 0.9025],
        [0.5, -0.9176, 0.4512],
    orders = [1, 2, 3]
    kernels_theo = [IirFilterKernel(*ba) for ba in zip(B, A)]
    hm_theo = HammersteinModel(kernels_theo, orders)

    # system identification of the theoretical system
    sweep = SyncSweep(f1, f2, dursec, samplerate)
    sweep_sig = sweep.get_windowed_signal(1024, 1024, pausestart=0, pausestop=512)
    outsweep = hm_theo.filter(sweep_sig)
    hhir = HigherHarmonicImpulseResponse.from_sweeps(sweep, outsweep)
    hm_identified = HammersteinModel.from_higher_harmonic_impulse_response(

    # bode diagram of the theoretical and identification results
    for theo, kernel, order in zip(hm_theo.kernels, hm_identified.kernels, orders):
        freq = kernel.freq
        G_kernel = kernel.frf
        freq_theo, G_kernel_theo = theo.freqz(nfft)

        ax = subplot(len(orders), 1, order )
        l0 = ax.semilogx(
            label=f'|H| Theor. (order={order})'
        l1 = ax.semilogx(
            label=f'|H| Estimate (order={order})'
        xlim(4*f1, f2)
        ylim(-35, 35)
        ylabel('$|H|$ / dB')
        if order < max(orders): xticks([])

        for ytlabel in ax.get_yticklabels(): ytlabel.set_color('b')

        ax2 = gca().twinx()
        ylim(-pi, pi)
        l2 = ax2.semilogx(
            label=f'$\\phi$ Theor. (order={order})'
        phi_theo = unwrap(angle(G_kernel*exp(-1j*freq*pi*nfft/hhir.samplerate)))
        l3 = ax2.semilogx(
            label=f'$\\phi$ Estimate (order={order})'
        for ytlabel in ax2.get_yticklabels(): ytlabel.set_color('g')
        ylabel('$\\phi$ / rad')
        lines = l0 + l1 + l2 + l3
        labels = [l.get_label() for l in lines]
        legend(lines, labels)
        xlabel('Frequency $f$ / Hz')


from textwrap import dedent as _dedent
from scipy.special import binom as _binom
import scipy.signal as _spsignal
import numpy as _np

__version__ = '0.2.0'

def _typed_property(name, expected_type, desc=None):
    """Returns a type checked property

    name : str
    expected_type : type or tuple of types
    desc : str
        Description for this property.

    prop : property

    >>> class Apple:
    >>>     color = typed_property('color', str, 'Color of the apple.')
    >>>     def __init__(self, color):
    >>>         self.color = color

    >>> Apple('red')
    Out[6]: <__main__.Apple at 0x7f92b84913c8>

    >>> badapple = Apple('brown')
    >>> badapple.color = 1
    TypeError: color must be of type <class 'str'> not <class 'int'>

    storage_name = ''.join(('_' , name))

    def prop(self):
        return getattr(self, storage_name)

    def prop(self, value):
        if isinstance(value, expected_type) or value is None:
            setattr(self, storage_name, value)
            self._typed_property_was_changed = True
            raise TypeError('{} must be of type {} not {}'.format(
                name, expected_type, type(value)))

    if desc is not None:
        prop.__doc__ = str(desc)

    return prop

def get_hann_win_flanks(left, right=None):
    if right is None:
        right = left
    navg = left + left - 1
    winleft = _np.sin((_np.pi/navg) * _np.arange(left))**2
    if left == right:
        winright = winleft[::-1]
        navg = right + right - 1
        winright = _np.sin((_np.pi/navg) * _np.arange(right, right+right))**2
    return winleft, winright

[docs]def hannramp(sig, left, right=None): """Retruns faded signal faded with hanning flanks. Parameter --------- sig: ndarray left: int Number of samples to fade left. right: int Number of samples to fade right. Returns ------- sigfaded: ndarray Signal faded with hanning ramps. Warning ------- The input signal is modified. If you don't want your providing signal variable be modified, pleas create a copy of the signal e.g. np.array(sig). """ winleft, winright = get_hann_win_flanks(left, right) right = right or left sig[:left] = sig[:left] * winleft sig[-right:] = sig[-right:] * winright return sig
[docs]class SyncSweep(object): """Synchronized Swept Sine Signal Model Parameters ---------- startfreq : scalar Start frequency of sweep in Hz stopfreq : scalar Stop frequency of sweep in Hz durationappr : scalar Approximate duration in seconds samplerate : scalar Samplerate of the signal in Hz. Returns ------- sweep : SyncSweep Examples -------- >>> sweep = SyncSweep(16, 16000, 5, 44100) .. plot:: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from syncsweptsine import SyncSweep plt.subplot(211) plt.plot(SyncSweep(16, 64, 1, 44100)) plt.title('Example Sweep') plt.xlim([0, 43000]) plt.ylabel('amplitude') plt.subplot(212) plt.specgram(SyncSweep(200, 20050, 1, 44100), NFFT=512, noverlap=256, Fs=1); plt.ylabel('frequency') plt.xlabel('sample') plt.xlim([0, 43000]) """ _typed_property_was_changed = True startfreq = _typed_property( name='startfreq', expected_type=(float, int), desc='Start frequency in Hz') stopfreq = _typed_property( name='stopfreq', expected_type=(float, int), desc='Stop frequency in Hz') durationappr = _typed_property( name='durationappr', expected_type=(float, int), desc='Approximate/planned duration in seconds.') samplerate = _typed_property( name='samplerate', expected_type=(float, int), desc='Sample rate of the signal in Hz.') def __init__(self, startfreq, stopfreq, durationappr, samplerate): SyncSweep._check_parameters(startfreq, stopfreq, durationappr, samplerate) self.startfreq = startfreq self.stopfreq = stopfreq self.durationappr = durationappr self.samplerate = samplerate self._logfreqratio = None self._kappa = None self._duration = None self._sweepperiod = None self._time = None self._phi = None self._signal = None self._update() @property def signal(self): """Returns the sweep time signal.""" self._update() return self._signal @property def duration(self): """Actual duration of the sweep.""" self._update() return self._duration @property def sweepperiod(self): """Returns the sweep period according to symbol $L$ in the paper. """ self._update() return self._sweepperiod @property def time(self): """Time vector relating to given samplerate and actual duration.""" self._update() return self._time def _update(self): """Updates the sweep if properties were changed.""" if self._typed_property_was_changed: self._calculate_sweep() self._typed_property_was_changed = False def _calculate_sweep(self): """This method calculates the actual sweep using current state of input parameters. Some interim results variables will be available as readonly properties. """ self.stopfreq = SyncSweep._limit_stopfreq(self.stopfreq, self.samplerate) startfreq = self.startfreq stopfreq = self.stopfreq durationappr = self.durationappr samplerate = self.samplerate SyncSweep._check_parameters(startfreq, stopfreq, durationappr, samplerate) logfreqratio = _np.log(stopfreq/startfreq) # ln(f2/f1) # symbol $k$, eq. 32 from paper kappa = _np.round(startfreq*durationappr/logfreqratio) # symbol $T$ in paper duration = kappa * logfreqratio / startfreq # symbol L in paper sweepperiod = kappa / startfreq dt = 1.0 / samplerate time = _np.arange(0, duration, dt) # eq. 33 from paper phi = 2*_np.pi*startfreq*sweepperiod*_np.exp(time/sweepperiod) sweep = _np.sin(phi) # keep as private attributes self._logfreqratio = logfreqratio self._kappa = kappa # make accessible through readonly properties self._sweepperiod = sweepperiod self._duration = duration self._time = time self._signal = sweep
[docs] def get_windowed_signal(self, left, right, pausestart=0, pausestop=0, amplitude=1): """Returns windowd sweep signal The sweep time signal will be faded in and out by hanning ramps. Parameters ---------- left : int Number of samples for fade in hanning ramp at start of the sweep. right : int Number of samples for fade out hanning ramp at end of the sweep. pausestart : int Number of samples for pause befor windowed sweep starts. default is 0. pausestop : int Number of samples for pause after windowed sweep stopps. default is 0. amplitude : scalar Cahnge the amplitude of the sweep. default is 1 """ return _np.concatenate(( _np.zeros(pausestart), hannramp(self.signal, left, right)*amplitude, _np.zeros(pausestop) ))
@staticmethod def _limit_stopfreq(value, samplerate): """Returns a value that is <= nyquist frequency.""" return value or 0.5*samplerate @staticmethod def _check_parameters(startfreq, stopfreq, durationappr, samplerate): """Checks the parameters for a synchronized sweep, raises exceptions if neccessary.""" stopfreq = SyncSweep._limit_stopfreq(stopfreq, samplerate) if startfreq < 0 or stopfreq < 0: raise ValueError( '`startfreq` (={}) and `stopfreq` (={}) must be bigger than 0.'.format( startfreq, stopfreq)) if stopfreq and startfreq >= stopfreq: raise ValueError( '`startfreq` (={}) must be smaller than `stopfreq` (={}).'.format( startfreq, stopfreq)) if durationappr <= 0: raise ValueError('`durationappr` ', durationappr, ' must be bigger than 0.') if samplerate <= 0: raise ValueError('samplerate must be bigger than 0.') if samplerate < 2*max(startfreq, stopfreq): raise ValueError( '`samplerate` must be at least twice as big as ' '`startfreq` and `stopfreq`.') def __getitem__(self, index): """Allows slicing of the SyncSweep instance""" return self.signal[index] def __array__(self, dtype=None): """Support ndarray casting.""" if dtype: return self.signal.astype(dtype) return self.signal def __len__(self): """Returns the length of the time signal.""" return len(self.signal) def __repr__(self): """Nice reprint of the instance with actual parameters.""" return ("SyncSweep(\n" " startfreq={},\n" " stopfreq={},\n" " duration={},\n" " samplerate={})\n" ).format( self.startfreq, self.stopfreq, self.duration, self.samplerate)
[docs]def invert_spectrum_reg(spec, beta): """Returns inverse spec with regularization by beta Parameters ---------- spec : ndarray Complex spectrum. beta : ndarray or scalar Regularization parameter. Either of same size as spec or a scalar value. Returns ------- invspec : ndarray """ return spec.conj() / (spec*spec.conj() + beta)
[docs]def spectrum_to_minimum_phase(spec): """Returns a minimum-phase spectrum for given complex `spec` Parameters ---------- spec : ndarray Spectrum (must be twosided) Returns ------- minphase : ndarray """ return _np.unwrap(-_np.imag(_spsignal.hilbert(_np.log(_np.abs(spec)))))
[docs]class InvertedSyncSweepSpectrum(object): """Inverted Spectrum of Synchronized Swept Sine Signal Model Creates the analytical solution of the spectrum according to eq. 43. Parameters ---------- samplerate : scalar Sample rate of the sweep signal. sweepperiod : scalar Sweep period of the sweep signal. startfreq : scalar Start frequency of the sweep signal. stopfreq : scalar Stop frequency of the sweep signal. fftlen : int Number of spectral bins. Notes ----- If you want to invert a SyncSweep instance use the :func:`InvertedSyncSweepSpectrum.from_sweep()`. Returns ------- ispec : InvertedSyncSweepSpectrum instance Examples -------- >>> sweep = SyncSweep(16, 16000, 5, 44100) >>> inv_sweep = InvertedSyncSweepSpectrum.from_sweep(sweep) .. plot:: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from syncsweptsine import SyncSweep, InvertedSyncSweepSpectrum inv_spec = InvertedSyncSweepSpectrum.from_sweep(SyncSweep(16, 16000, 1, 44100), 8192) plt.subplot(211) plt.plot(inv_spec.freq, abs(inv_spec.spectrum)) plt.ylabel('magnitude') plt.subplot(212) plt.plot(inv_spec.freq, np.angle(inv_spec.spectrum)) plt.ylabel('phase') plt.xlabel('frequency') See also -------- :func:`InvertedSyncSweepSpectrum.from_sweep` :class:`SyncSweep` """ def __init__(self, samplerate, sweepperiod, startfreq, stopfreq, fftlen): self._samplerate = samplerate self._sweepperiod = sweepperiod self._startfreq = startfreq self._stopfreq = stopfreq self._fftlen = fftlen self._spectrum = None self._freq = None self._changes = True self._update()
[docs] @classmethod def from_sweep(cls, syncsweep, fftlen): """Returns a InvertedSyncSweepSpectrum instance for given syncsweep. Creates the analytical solution of the spectrum according to eq. 43. Parameters ---------- syncsweep : SyncSweep Instance of a SyncSweep.from_syncsweep fftlen : int Length of fft for spectrum creation """ return cls( samplerate=syncsweep.samplerate, sweepperiod=syncsweep.sweepperiod, startfreq=syncsweep.startfreq, stopfreq=syncsweep.stopfreq, fftlen=fftlen)
@property def spectrum(self): """The inverted spectrum.""" self._update() return self._spectrum @property def freq(self): """Frequency vector for the spectrum""" self._update() return self._freq @property def fftlen(self): """Number of fft bins.""" return self._fftlen @fftlen.setter def fftlen(self, value): """Set the number of fft bins.""" self._changes = True self._fftlen = int(value) def _update(self): if self._changes: self._calculate_inverted_sweep_spectrum() self._changes = False def _calculate_inverted_sweep_spectrum(self): samplerate = self._samplerate sweepperiod = self._sweepperiod startfreq = self._startfreq freq = _np.linspace(0, samplerate/2, int(_np.round(self.fftlen/2+1))) spectrum = _np.zeros_like(freq, dtype=_np.complex_) # eq. 43 definition of the inverse spectrum in frequency domain spectrum[1:] = ( 2*_np.sqrt(freq[1:]/sweepperiod) * _np.exp(-2j * _np.pi*freq[1:]*sweepperiod * (1 - _np.log(freq[1:]/startfreq)) + 1j * _np.pi/4)) self._spectrum = spectrum self._freq = freq def __getitem__(self, index): """Allow slicing of the spectrum.""" return self.spectrum[index] def __array__(self, dtype=None): """Allows creation of ndarrays, returning the spectrum.""" if dtype: return self.spectrum.astype(dtype) else: return self.spectrum def __len__(self): """Returns the length of the spectrum.""" return len(self.spectrum) def __repr__(self): """Nice reprinting with actual parameters.""" return ( """InvertedSyncSweepSpectrum( fftlen={}, samplerate={}, sweepperiod={}, startfreq={}) """.format( self.fftlen, self._samplerate, self._sweepperiod, self._startfreq) )
[docs]class HigherHarmonicImpulseResponse(object): """Higher Harmonic Impulse Response Signal containing Impulse responsens for all harmonics. To create a HigherHarmonicImpulseResponse from sweep input and output signals, use the HigherHarmonicImpulseResponse.from_sweeps() class method. Parameters ---------- hhir : ndarray Higher Harmonic Impulse Response array. hhfrf : ndarray Higher Harmonic Frequency Response Function array. Optional. Will be available if .from_sweeps() method is used. sweepperiod : scalar Sweep period of the used sweep. Needed for calculation of time position of harmonic impulse responses. samplerate : scalar Returns ------- hhir : HigherHarmonicImpulseResponse Notes ----- To create a HigherHarmonicImpulseResponse from sweep input and output signals, use the HigherHarmonicImpulseResponse.from_sweeps() class method. Examples -------- >>> sweep = SyncSweep(16, 16000, 5, 44100) >>> sig = sweep.get_windowed_signal(4096, 4096, 2*8192, 4*8192) >>> measured = sig + 0.5*sig**2 + 0.25*sig**3 >>> hhir = HigherHarmonicImpulseResponse.from_sweeps(sweep, measured) .. plot:: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from syncsweptsine import SyncSweep, HigherHarmonicImpulseResponse sweep = SyncSweep(10, 10000, 5, 80000) sig = sweep.get_windowed_signal(4096, 4096, 2*8192, 4*8192) measured = sig + 0.5*sig**2 + 0.25*sig**3 hhir = HigherHarmonicImpulseResponse.from_sweeps(sweep, measured) plt.plot(hhir) plt.xlim([0, len(hhir.hhir)]) plt.xlabel('sample') plt.ylabel('amplitude') plt.title('Higher Harmonic Impulse Response') See also -------- :func:`HigherHarmonicImpulseResponse.from_sweeps` :func:`HigherHarmonicImpulseResponse.from_spectra` :class:`SyncSweep` :class:`HammersteinModel` """ def __init__(self, hhir=None, hhfrf=None, sweepperiod=None, samplerate=None): self.hhir = hhir self.hhfrf = hhfrf self._sweepperiod = sweepperiod self._samplerate = samplerate @property def samplerate(self): """Returns the Samplerate of the impulse response.""" return self._samplerate
[docs] def hir_time_position(self, order): """Returns the time delay for the harmonic impulse response of `order`.""" if order == 1: return 0 else: return len(self.hhir)/self._samplerate - self._sweepperiod * _np.log(order)
[docs] def hir_sample_position(self, order): """Returns the sample delay for the harmonic impulse response of `order`.""" return int(self.hir_time_position(order) * self._samplerate)
[docs] def hir_index(self, order, length, delay=0): """Returns the index the harmonic impulse response of `order` and `length`. Parameters ---------- order : int Order of required harmonic impulse response. length : int Length of required harmonic impulse response. delay : int Delay of system under test the hhir was derived from. """ return _np.arange(length, dtype=int)+int(delay)+self.hir_sample_position(order)
[docs] def max_hir_length(self, order): """Returns the maximum length of mpulse responses for given orders. Parameters ---------- order: int Returns ------- maxlength : int Notes ----- The HHIR contains all harmonic impulse responses (HIR). For slicing one specific HIR there is a maximum number of samples around this HIR. A bigger slice may contain parts of neighbouring HIRs. Depending on the highest order there is a maximum length. """ if order == 1: return len(self.hhir)//2-1 else: distance = self.hir_sample_position(order) - self.hir_sample_position(order + 1) return distance
[docs] def harmonic_impulse_response(self, order, length=None, delay=0, window=None): """Returns the harmonic impulse response of `order` and `length` Parameters ---------- order : int Order of required harmonic impulse response. length : int Length of required harmonic impulse response. delay : int Delay of system under test the hhir was derived from. """ length = length or self.max_hir_length(order) sig = _np.take( self.hhir, self.hir_index(order, length, delay), mode='wrap') if _np.any(window): if isinstance(window, (int, _np.integer)): if window == True: window = length//2 sig = hannramp(sig, left=window, right=window) elif (type(window) == _np.ndarray) and len(window): sig = sig*window else: raise ValueError(f'could not interpret window input {window}') return sig
[docs] @classmethod def from_sweeps(cls, syncsweep, measuredsweep, fftlen=None, regularize=1e-6): """Returns Higher Harmonic Impulse Response instance for given sweep signals. Parameters ---------- syncsweep : SyncSweep A SyncSweep instance. measuredsweep : ndarray Measured sweep. Must be the output signal of the system under test excited with the provided `syncsweep`. Besides it must be sampled at the same samplerate as the provided syncsweep. fftlen : int Length of the calculated ffts. fftlen will be guessed from measuredsweep length if fftlen is None. """ fftlen = fftlen or int(2**_np.ceil(1+_np.log2(len(measuredsweep)))) rspec = _np.fft.rfft(measuredsweep, fftlen) rinvspec = InvertedSyncSweepSpectrum.from_sweep(syncsweep, fftlen=fftlen).spectrum freq = _np.fft.rfftfreq(fftlen, 1/syncsweep.samplerate) if regularize is not False and regularize is not None: sweepspec = _np.fft.rfft(syncsweep, fftlen) if _np.isscalar(regularize): regu = _np.ones_like(rinvspec)*regularize regu[freq<=syncsweep.startfreq] = 1/regularize regu[freq>=syncsweep.stopfreq] = 1/regularize regularize = regu reguspec = invert_spectrum_reg(rinvspec*sweepspec, beta=regularize) rinvspec[1:] = rinvspec[1:]*reguspec[1:] else: rspec /= syncsweep.samplerate return cls.from_spectra( rspec=rspec, rinvspec=rinvspec, sweepperiod=syncsweep.sweepperiod, samplerate=syncsweep.samplerate)
[docs] @classmethod def from_spectra(cls, rspec, rinvspec, sweepperiod, samplerate): """Returns Higher Harmonic Response instance Parameters ---------- rspec : ndarray rfft spectrum from measured sweep. rinvspec : ndarray rfft spectrum from inverted reference sweep. sweepperiod : scalar The parameter L from the paper to calculate the time delays for hhir decomposition. """ hhfrf = _np.array(rspec) * _np.array(rinvspec) hhir = _np.fft.irfft(hhfrf) return cls(hhir=hhir, hhfrf=hhfrf, sweepperiod=sweepperiod, samplerate=samplerate)
def __array__(self): return self.hhir
[docs]class FrfFilterKernel(object): """Returns a FRF-FilterKernel Parameters ---------- freq : ndarray Frequency vector (positive frequencies) frf : ndarray Frequency responce function (onesided spectrum) ir : ndarray Impulse response (optional) If you just have an impulse response use the `FrfFilterKernel.from_ir()` classmethod. See also -------- :class:`HammersteinModel` """ def __init__(self, freq, frf, ir=None): if len(freq) != len(frf): raise ValueError('`freq` and `frf` must have the same length, not ', len(freq), len(frf)) self._frf = frf self._freq = freq if ir is None: self._ir = _np.fft.irfft(frf) else: self._ir = ir @classmethod def from_ir(cls, ir, samplerate, startfreq=None, stopfreq=None): freq = _np.fft.rfftfreq(len(ir), 1/samplerate) frf = _np.fft.rfft(ir) if startfreq: frf[freq<startfreq] = 0j if stopfreq: frf[freq>stopfreq] = 0j if startfreq or stopfreq: ir = _np.fft.irfft(frf) return cls(freq=freq, frf=frf, ir=ir) @property def freq(self): """Returns the frequency vector.""" return self._freq @property def frf(self): """Returns the frequency response function (FRF)""" return self._frf @property def ir(self): """Returns the impulse response (IR)""" return self._ir
[docs] def filter(self, x): """Returns the convolved signal `x`.""" return _spsignal.convolve(self._ir, x)
[docs] def as_minimum_phase(self): """Returns a filter kernel with minimum phase response.""" frf = _np.array(self.frf) frf_min_phase = _np.abs(frf) * _np.exp(1j*spectrum_to_minimum_phase(frf)) return FrfFilterKernel( freq=self.freq, frf=frf_min_phase)
def __array__(self): return self._frf def __repr__(self): return 'FrfFilterKernel(len(freq)={}, len(frf)={})'.format( len(self._freq), len(self._frf))
[docs]class IirFilterKernel(object): """Returns a IIR-FilterKernel Parameters ---------- bcoeff : ndarray Filter coefficients of the numerator. acoeff : ndarray Filter coefficients of the denominator. See also -------- :class:`HammersteinModel` """ def __init__(self, bcoeff, acoeff): self._bcoeff = bcoeff self._acoeff = acoeff
[docs] def filter(self, x, axis=-1, zi=None): """Returns the filtered signal `x`. For more info see help of `scipy.signal.lfilter`. """ return _spsignal.lfilter(self._bcoeff, self._acoeff, x, axis, zi)
[docs] def freqz(self, nfft): """Returns the frequency response for the IIR Filter Kernel. Parameters ---------- nfft : int Number of bins. """ return _spsignal.freqz(self._bcoeff, self._acoeff, int(1 + 0.5*nfft))
[docs] def to_frf_filter_kernel(self, nfft): """Returns a FrfFilterKernel instance Parameters ---------- nfft : int Number of bins. """ return FrfFilterKernel(*self.freqz(nfft))
def __repr__(self): return 'IirFilterKernel(bcoeff={}, acoeff={})'.format(self._bcoeff, self._acoeff)
[docs]class HammersteinModel(object): """Hammerstein Model .. math:: y = f(x) = \\sum_n^N x^n * h_n A Hammerstein model can be created from a :class:`HigherHarmonicImpulseResponse` by using the method :func:`HammersteinModel.from_higher_harmonic_impulse_response()`. Parameters ---------- kernels: iterable Contains Kernels with a .filter() method. orders: iterable Denotes the nonlinearity order for the kernels. Must be of same length as `kernels`. The linear kernel order is 1 (x**1), the second order kernel is 2 (x**2) ... See also -------- :class:`HigherHarmonicImpulseResponse` :class:`FrfFilterKernel` :class:`IirFilterKernel` """ def __init__(self, kernels, orders): self._kernels = kernels self._orders = orders
[docs] @classmethod def from_sweeps(cls, syncsweep, measuredsweep, orders, delay=0, irlength=None, window=None, fftlen=None, regularize=1e-6): """Returns a HammersteinModel for given sweeps Parameters ---------- syncsweep : SyncSweep A SyncSweep instance. measuredsweep : ndarray Measured sweep. Must be the output signal of the system under test excited with the provided `syncsweep`. Besides it must be sampled at the same samplerate as the provided syncsweep. orders : iterable of int The orders of hammerstein kernels to compute. Linear kernel is order 1 (x**1), quadratic kernel is order 2 (x**2), ... delay : int delay of the system under test, needed for correct slicing of harmonic impulse responses. irlength : int length of the harmonic impulse response to compute the kernels from. window : bool, int or ndarray(length) Linear kernel is order 1 (x**1), quadratic kernel is order 2 (x**2), ... fftlen : int Length of the calculated ffts. fftlen will be guessed from measuredsweep length if fftlen is None. regularize : scalar or False Regularizes the system so if measuredsweep would be equal to the syncsweep signal, identity is ensured. """ hhir = HigherHarmonicImpulseResponse.from_sweeps( syncsweep=syncsweep, measuredsweep=measuredsweep, fftlen=fftlen, regularize=regularize) instance = cls.from_higher_harmonic_impulse_response( hhir=hhir, length=irlength, orders=orders, delay=delay, window=window ) instance._hhir = hhir return instance
[docs] @classmethod def from_higher_harmonic_impulse_response(cls, hhir, length, orders, delay=0, window=None): """Returns a HammersteinModel for given HigherHarmonicImpulseResponse Parameters ---------- hhir : HigherHarmonicImpulseResponse length : int length of the harmonic impulse responses to compute hammerstein kernels from. The hammerstein kernels will have the same length. orders : iterable of int The orders of hammerstein kernels to compute. Linear kernel is order 1 (x**1), quadratic kernel is order 2 (x**2), ... delay : int delay of the system under test, needed for correct slicing of harmonic impulse responses. window : bool, int or ndarray(length) """ maxlength = hhir.max_hir_length(max(orders)) length = length or maxlength if length > maxlength: raise ValueError( f'Given `length` {length} must not be bigger than {maxlength}.' f' Otherwise other harmonic impulse responses will corrupt your kernels.') freq = _np.fft.rfftfreq(length, 1/hhir.samplerate) transformation_matrix = cls.create_kernel_to_hhfrf_transformation_matrix(orders) # slice the harmonic impulse responses and calculate harmonic frequency responses. hirs = [hhir.harmonic_impulse_response(o, length, delay, window) for o in orders] hhfrfs = (_np.fft.rfft(hir-_np.mean(hir), length) for hir in hirs) # create a matrix hhfrf_matrix = _np.array(list(hhfrfs)) # transform higher harmonic frequency responses to hammerstein kernels by using the transformation matrix kernels_matrix =, hhfrf_matrix) # create filter kernels kernels = [FrfFilterKernel(freq=freq, frf=frf) for frf in kernels_matrix] # return the hammerstein instance return cls(kernels, orders)
@property def kernels(self): """Returns the hammerstein kernels.""" return self._kernels @property def orders(self): """Returns the orders for the hammerstein kernels.""" return self._orders
[docs] @staticmethod def create_kernel_to_hhfrf_transformation_matrix(orders): """Returns a transformation matrix for combining kernels to higher harmonic frequency response functions Parameters ---------- orders : int Orders of the kernels. Returns ------- transformation_matrix : ndarray """ count = len(orders) transformation_matrix = _np.zeros((count, count), dtype=_np.complex128) for idxn, n in enumerate(orders): for idxm, m in enumerate(orders): if (n >= m) and ((n+m)%2 == 0): transformation_matrix[idxm, idxn] = (((-1 + 0j)**(2*(n) - (m-1)/2))) / (2**(n-1)) * _binom(n,(n-m)/2) return transformation_matrix
[docs] def gen_filtered_signal_cascade(self, sig): """Yields hammerstein cascade filtered signals.""" for kernel, order in zip(self._kernels, self._orders): if order > 1: cursig = sig**order else: cursig = sig yield kernel.filter(cursig)
[docs] def filter(self, sig): """Returns nonlinear filtered signal by this hammerstein model cascade.""" return sum(fsig for fsig in self.gen_filtered_signal_cascade(sig))
def __repr__(self): return 'HammersteinModel(kernels={}, orders={})'.format(self._kernels, self._orders)
[docs]class LinearModel(object): """Returns a LinearModel Parameters ---------- kernel : FilterKernel A kernel instance with a filter method See also -------- :func:`LinearModel.from_higher_harmonic_impulse_response` :func:`LinearModel.from_hammerstein_model` """ def __init__(self, kernel): self._kernel = kernel @property def kernel(self): return self._kernel
[docs] @classmethod def from_sweeps(cls, syncsweep: SyncSweep, measuredsweep, delay=0, irlength=None, window=None, fftlen=None, regularize=1e-6, bandpass=True): """Returns a LinerModel for given sweeps Parameters ---------- syncsweep : SyncSweep A SyncSweep instance. measuredsweep : ndarray Measured sweep. Must be the output signal of the system under test excited with the provided `syncsweep`. Besides it must be sampled at the same samplerate as the provided syncsweep. delay : int delay of the system under test, needed for correct slicing of harmonic impulse responses. irlength : int length of the harmonic impulse response to compute the kernel from. window : bool, int or ndarray(length) Linear kernel is order 1 (x**1), quadratic kernel is order 2 (x**2), ... fftlen : int Length of the calculated ffts. fftlen will be guessed from measuredsweep length if fftlen is None. regularize : scalar or False Regularizes the system so if measuredsweep would be equal to the syncsweep signal, identity is ensured. """ hhir = HigherHarmonicImpulseResponse.from_sweeps( syncsweep=syncsweep, measuredsweep=measuredsweep, fftlen=fftlen, regularize=regularize) instance = cls.from_higher_harmonic_impulse_response( hhir=hhir, length=irlength, delay=delay, window=window, startfreq=syncsweep.startfreq if bandpass else None, stopfreq=syncsweep.stopfreq if bandpass else None ) instance._hhir = hhir return instance
[docs] @classmethod def from_higher_harmonic_impulse_response( cls, hhir: HigherHarmonicImpulseResponse, length=None, delay=0, window=None, startfreq=None, stopfreq=None): """Returns a LinerModel for given HigherHarmonicImpulseResponse Parameters ---------- hhir : HigherHarmonicImpulseResponse length : int length of the harmonic impulse compute the kernel from. orders : iterable of int The orders of hammerstein kernels to compute. Linear kernel is order 1 (x**1), quadratic kernel is order 2 (x**2), ... delay : int delay of the system under test, needed for correct slicing of harmonic impulse responses. window : bool, int or ndarray(length) startfreq : scalar or None Frequency window in spectrum will be applied. stopfreq : scalar or None Frequency window in spectrum will be applied. """ maxlength = hhir.max_hir_length(order=1) length = length or maxlength if length > maxlength: raise ValueError( f'Given `length` {length} must not be bigger than {maxlength}.' f' Otherwise other harmonic impulse responses will corrupt your linear model kernel.') # slice the harmonic impulse responses and calculate the linear filter kernel. kernel = FrfFilterKernel.from_ir( ir=hhir.harmonic_impulse_response(order=1, length=length, delay=delay, window=window), samplerate=hhir.samplerate, startfreq=startfreq, stopfreq=stopfreq ) return cls(kernel)
[docs] @classmethod def from_hammerstein_model(cls, hmodel): """Returns a LinearModel of the given HammersteinModel. Parameters ---------- hmodel : HmmersteinModel Returns ------- lmodel : LinearModel """ return cls(hmodel.kernels[0])
[docs] def filter(self, sig): """Returns linear filtered `sig`.""" return self.kernel.filter(sig)